Show up and do the work

A famous saying is that you can be whatever you want. And to some degree, that is true. To be whatever you want has to do with connection, education, knowledge, and work. Many hours of hard work. And sacrifice.

The 10.000 hour rule

We all heard of the 10.000-hour rule, which says that when you put 10.000 hours of work into what you want to be good at, you will make it. 10.000 hours of showing up, putting effort in it and doing the work. It just does not come out of itself.

Let’s say you want to be a truck driver. That is a great job, The open road, Freedom, Go whenever you want. But it is also long hours, rushing to be on time, not seeing your family during the week if you drive an international route.

Let’s say you want to be a professional athlete. We all like sports. And we all want excel in it. Win and be one of the best. Do you feel the rush of standing on that podium, receiving the medal or the cup? But the other side is that it is one of the poorest paying jobs in the world. You have the glory, but you are always trying to find money to pay the bills. Gym bills, Paying your coach, And the hours you spend training. A typical day for an athlete starts at 6:00 or 7:00 with light exercise. Then at 11 again weightlifting of power training. Then eating and sleeping until 3 o’clock, again a skill training after your skill training eating and sometimes training in the evening. Go to bed around 10:00. And that day in, day out. A full schedule. You are constantly working to peak at the next game or championship.

Sacrifice and hard work

When you do the things you love, sacrifice and hard work are needed. It just does not come instantly. As a photographer, I sometimes look at the images from years ago, and then I am proud of the achievement. I am pleased that my work grew and became so much better than the work from years ago. And still think I can do better after more hard work and shooting more.

To become better, you have to do the work, the sacrifice. You have to show up and put yourself to it.

Challenge the street

Street photography works the same way. There are challenges to overcome, fears to be conquered and work to be put in to become the street photographer you want to be. To make images that make you proud.

Challenge the street, experience it, immerse yourself in the surroundings and observe what happens around you. The streets are alive and document it.

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Ga met straat fotograaf Guillaume Groen op pad. Er gebeurt zoveel om ons heen. De straat is altijd in beweging. 

Ga je graag op een city trip maar weet je niet wat je moet doen? Ga je graag op ontdekkingstocht maar weet je niet hoe je dat doet. Leer fotograferen op straat. 

Ik leer je om je camera te bedienen. Hoe je omgaat licht, Hoe je kijkt naar je omgeving en dat gebruikt om een mooie foto compositie te maken. Ik leer je kijken naar wat er gebeurt op straat, en daarna te anticiperen op wat er gebeurt. Ik geef je de mogelijkheid om één te worden met je omgeving. En mooie herinneringen aan de stad vast te leggen met je camera zodat een stedentrip nooit meer hetzelfde is.



Sluit je aan bij Guillaume Groen en een kleine groep straat fotografen en leer de fijne kneepjes van het fotograferen op straat. 

Kijk hieronder voor een straat fotografie workshop die bij je past.



Leer de fijne kneepjes van de straat fotografie op de straten van Amsterdam. De hoofdstad van Nederland met zijn eigenzinnige cultuur. Loop door het red light district, ga met de pond over naar de scheepswerven van het NDSM terrein. Volg de grachtengordel ontdek de bruisende wijken rondom het drukke centrum. 

Staat de straat fotografie workshop waar je aan wilt deelnemen er niet bij, of is deze al vol. Vraag dan om op de wachtlijst gezet te worden. Ik neem dan contact met je op zodra er een plek vrij komt.


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